Monday 30 July 2012

Government that sucks and most should be fired ASAP: we the people are to blame for all

Government that sucks and most should be fired ASAP: we the people are to blame for all: we vote for them as they lie and fool us, decade after decade........... where is all of our tax money???????????? what kind of world will...

we the people are to blame for all

we vote for them as they lie and fool us, decade after decade...........
where is all of our tax money????????????
what kind of world will we leave our kids????????????
why does no one care??????????
what can we do????????
probably nothing as that is how we are raised/ to accept our system as we find it/corrupt........
when will things change for the positive??????????
?????????????????no one can answer that!!!!!!!!!!
why?why?who?what/oh no one cares for positive change!!!!!!!!!
what can we the people do????????????
no one cares!!!!!!!!!
Albert Einstein had all of the answers over 100 years ago and he was laughed at and ignored!!!!!
some of his ideas such as the TV/Cell Phone/Space Satellite system and photo copier//the electric car and transport system and perpetual motion design that could keep all fuel cells at a full charge!!!!!!!!!!
industry and certain investors and the few that control all related will not let positive change!!!!!!!
lets unite and stand side by side and fix our broken system.......Mike D Sollows out peace and God bless.......